Feel free to contact us with further queries.


Absolutely! Just mention how many non-photographers will join your party, as they will not pay the full price of tour. However they will need to meet the phisical requirements of the location or tour.
Yes, upon one condition! There must be non-photographer adult minding the children. They will also pay the full non-photographer price for the tour.
Yes of course! However, We ask non-photographers to stick to mobile phones or tablets only. Anything bigger than that won't do! Thank you for understanding.
By law, for us to provide an itinerary, technically we would have to be a tour operator! And we want to abide by the law. The amount of effort necessary to set up a tour operator is astronomical, not to mention all the certifications we'd have to get and loops we'd have to jump through! We believe that by providing a Pick & Mix approach, works both ways, and gives you extraorindary flexibility in terms of you want to capture.


Mostly that depends on the tour you are going for. On a night photo tour, the answer is absolutely! If, on the other hand you're planning to do some street photography, strickly a tripod isn't recommended. It's entirely up to you, but if it's not too heavy, why not!
Cameras these days are equipped with selftimers. If you're planning to use a tripod, and you happen to have a remote trigger, absolutely!
Don't be put off by the fact that you don't own a professional camera. Even mobile phones in this day and age can capture pretty amazing pictures.
Videos are great and in many respects they exceede single exposures beautifully. However, We kindly ask you to refrain from shooting videos during explanations, whether from our guide or our photographer. Thank you!

Terms & Conditions

It's a good thing that you have gone through them or at least some of them. You may have realized by now that a good portion of them is plain common sense. The rest is pretty standard. Rome obviously is not comparable to a battlefield, however, by joining a tour, you may be exposed to a number of risks.
Check out our Guidelines and see how you can be safe!
Yes! While we enjoy a sunny day, photographically speaking, rain, storms, clouds, all add a touch of drama, which is really what we are after in our photos. "Bad Weather" so to speak, does wonders for photography. One just needs to be prepared. More in our Guidelines.

Frequenty Asked Questions

Should you have further queries, do not hesitate to reach out to us

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